Friday, May 9, 2014

A Fresh Page

Never mind that, a few years ago, I had another blog. In fact, I had a website. But I allowed both to fade and disappear out of sheer neglect.

Never mind that I am now closer to age 60 than to age 50, and some days I feel too life-weary to think another thought, let alone try to write one.

Never mind that ordinary existence with its troubled detours put my writing life on hold for quite awhile, so long that I'm somewhat afraid to engage it once again.

Never mind that I am too old to be a trendsetter or to glow with "potential" and that I am too young to be a wise woman in the truly "elder" sense of the word.

Never mind that on most days I doubt that I possess any inspiration or wisdom or humor worth writing down.

I am still here. I still process my experience by writing it down in some form. I still breathe and walk in awe of being alive in a universe that confounds, frightens, woos, and energizes me.

And I believe that community--even the kind we find in cyberspace--can be a powerful and lovely thing.

So, a fresh page. My new page. I attach to it no agenda and no expectations. You may know of me connected to other social media, and sometimes I'll connect this blog to those platforms. But really, this is for me because the passions and the words continue to collide and they need a home, one not quite so lonely as files isolated away on a hard drive or even in my little corner of the "cloud"--that new cyber system of thought storage.

Feel free to stop by. I have no big plan, but I know something's about to happen . . .


  1. I'm delighted you're starting this, Vinita. I look forward to following your musings.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Terrific, Vinita! Look forward to reading more blogs! Blessings on your blog.

  4. I know a Good Fairy is here blessing your blog :-) I look forward to coming here and discovering your thoughts of the day.
